Thursday, April 14, 2011

Top 9 Reasons Marketing Hates Sales

REASON #1: Sales Acts Superior


REASON #2: Sales Raids Marketing’s Budget


REASON #3: Sales Doesn’t Respect Marketing 


Sales persons can sometimes seem dismissive of any activity carried out by Marketing.  They apparently believe that all marketing work is dispensable, consisting of attractive girls who do events and brochures.  The consider marketing something of a rest home for failed Salespeople. 

REASON #4: Sales Takes All the Credit

REASON #5: Sales Demands Expensive Brochures

REASON #6: Sales Gives Up When They Hit Quota

REASON #7: Sales is Overly Protective

Sales teams often ban marketers from talking to customers because they “might mess up the relationship” or “the customer might get fatigued from too much contact.”

REASON #8: Sales Ignores Market Strategy

REASON #9: Sales Does Not Appreciate Good Leads

Sales teams sometimes brief Marketing on what leads they would like, what profile, how well-qualified, how many of them they’d like and when they’d like them.  Then the sales teams give those leads to a junior salesperson rather than taking them seriously.

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